Taken from the General Guidance for Perkins V Local Use of Funds published through the Minnesota Department of Education and Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Office of CTE Programming.


Each local consortium receiving funds under Perkins V must use the majority of the funds “to develop, coordinate, implement, or improve CTE programs to meet the needs identified in the comprehensive needs assessment.” Not more than 5 percent of the award may be used for administrative purposes. There must be a clear linkage between the needs assessment and how funds are spent. In addition to being justified by the needs assessment, funds must be used to support CTE programs that are of sufficient size, scope and quality to be effective and that:

Refer to Section 135 of the Act as much more detailed elements are provided that require your attention as you make fiscal decisions. 

unallowable use of funds

When applying for funds, if your request falls into one of these areas, they will not be approved.  For detailed definitions on these 5 areas, please review the current Local Use of Perkins V Funds document.