
The Mid-Minnesota Perkins Consortium is excited to host and promote events held in collaboration with Ridgewater College, Minnesota State, LYFT, and the Southwest West Central Service Co-Op.  These events help to connect our consortium partners, but also students to ongoing career and technical education opportunities.

To learn more, click the links below!

Teacher Take Overs & CTE Class Visits

Learn more about how your high school can partner with Ridgewater College through teacher and faculty collaborations!

counselor encounter

Held every September for high school counselors in the Mid-Minnesota Perkins Consortium

IGnite your future!

Held each October on the Hutchinson campus of Ridgewater College

skills fest

Held each February on the Willmar campus of Ridgewater College


Formerly known as the Regional Career Exploration Day, it's held each April on the Willmar campus of Ridgewater College

summer camps

Coming soon!  Summer camps allowing students in our surrounding communities to learn more about CTE careers and majors with fun, hands on activities!