IGNITE Your Future
IGNITE Your Future will be taking place Friday, October 11, 2024 on the Hutchinson campus of Ridgewater College. We hope to see you there!
Counselor Encounter 2024 Update
Since before COVID, attendance at Counselor Encounter has been on the decline. Last year was our lowest attendance to date. We attempted a survey to find out what we could do to make changes, but only 3 counselors responded, making it even more challenging to find a solution to make Counselor Encounter worth attending.
For 2024, we will be pausing counselor encounter to meet individually with each counselor/team at each of our high schools. Our goal is to learn how we can continue to support counselors as well as find ways to better the counselor encounter experience. If we are able to hold an event this year, it will likely be in spring.
Opportunities to set up a meeting with Kelley McClure Mork will take place later this fall! Keep an eye out for more details.

Check out our latest newsletter
The Mid-Minnesota consortium sends out a newsletter 3 times a year (fall, winter, and spring) to share news and events happening around the consortium.
Important Dates & To-Do’s

Yearly Events
Late September: Counselor Encounter
Mid-October: IGNITE Your Future and CTE Works! Summit
Late April: EXPLORE Your Future
Scrubs Camp

Annual Meetings
Early February: Mid Minnesota Governance

Required Paperwork
Every year, each high school within the consortium are asked to submit the following documents:
Survey of Needs (also known as the Local Planning Document)
DUE: April 1st
Why April 1st: We know this feels VERY early. But here’s why: this document allows us to plan in advance to try to accommodate as many requests as we can when we plan our budget. Our projected budget is due each year on May 1st for the upcoming fiscal year. We want to advocate for your school and projected needs. If we don’t get a plan from you, we can’t do that. Help us, help you!
Schools who meet the April 1st deadline will receive priority consideration when it comes to large expenditure requests. Schools who don’t turn this form in, or wait until late fall, may need wait for reallocation money (available in January) before their request will be considered.
Requests for Perkins Funding
DUE: No later than March 30th
Why March 30th: This is the last date that we will accept request for review. It is important that schools are not waiting until the last minute to get their requests in. Your items must be in hand by June 30th. Getting your requests in early allows us to make sure approvals are received and you’re notified in a timely fashion.

Receipts for purchases, conference or workshop registrations, travel, mileage, substitute teacher pay, and more are due should be turned in throughout the year, not just at the end of the year.
In order for us to get your districts reimbursed in a timely fashion, the sooner these are turned in, the sooner we can get you paid!
Mileage reimbursement and substitute teacher forms (if needed) can be found here.
Final receipts should be received by the Secondary Perkins Coordinator no later than June 30th.
Only receipts for pre-approved purchases will be accepted.