1 day

2 hours

EXPLORE COOL CAREERS with zero pressure (and lots of fun)

Do all of your friends seem to know exactly what they want to do when they graduate high school but you have no idea?  You're lucky you know what you'll be doing this weekend, much less trying to figure out the rest of your life.

We hear you, friend.

Come spend a few hours at Ridgewater College where you'll get to explore and try hands-on activities to learn more about different careers and occupations.  

Don't worry.  This event is not a college recruitment event.  

It's a no pressure, fun, and interactive event to allows you to see and try cool stuff.  You don't have to know what you want to do.  In fact, we don't expect you to know.  We'll connect you with people who understand and have worked in that job and you'll get to see if that path is right for you.

Best part?  It's free.